Sunday, July 29, 2007


I have learned a lot about blogging just by setting up this blog. First, I did not realize that it was so easy to start a blog and that there are websites that easily enable anyone to set up a blog for free. Second, I had not previously considered the use of blogging as a technology tool that could be incorporated into the curriculum. In regard to specific uses, I can see blogging being used as a discussion forum for topics presented in class or for students to "bounce" ideas and questions off of each other regarding homework and long-term projects. In regard to its use in a telecollaborative project, a blog would enable all students in each participating class to ask questions of each other and gather information not easily found through any other resource. A blog would be especially useful in the concluding activities of a project. For example, I am designing a project where students collect prices of basic grocery items and/or daily temperature data for a set period of time. When all participants have everyone's data, a blog would be a great way for students to share their analysis of the results and request feedback on the conclusions they made from analyzing the data.

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